The Torreblanca Golf Society is one of the  oldest and most successful golf societies on the coast. 

The society was formed not only to play golf but for social activities.  Our members are all friends (well sometimes), when we are not playing golf we meet regularly socially for theatre visits, BBQ,’s meals out etc.

We have a varied membership of lady and men players from many different countries.

Their handicaps range from 1 to 28/36. 

While we welcome new members and guests of all abilities  we do have a limited membership and space each week.  Whether you are based in Spain, the UK, or any other country.  Guests are welcome providing there are tee times available.  Members will always have priority when booking tee times. Email us at to enquire.

We play different courses every Thursday so why not join us for a competitive but more importantly a friendly game of golf at competitive prices.

Every year we hold our own version of the four majors.  The US masters, The US Open, The British Open and The PGA. We also run a Knock Out Comp and a Pairs Comp,  a Medal Comp long with a Champion of Champions comp, there is plenty to keep us all interested. 

However the highlight of our year is our version of the Ryder Cup. Not Europe versus America but the North of England versus the South.  This takes place in September each year when we play our version of the Ryder Cup over two days at local courses. The two days are followed by dinner and the handing over of the trophy on the 2nd evening!

Whilst we are only playing a friendly game the rules of golf must be adhered to.
This makes it fair for everyone.


  • To avoid disappointment If you wish to play on a Thursday, you must have your name on the list at the Red Dragon or notify the president before midday on the Friday before.  The golf courses have requested that they are notified of our numbers by Friday afternoon.
  • If you ask to play after Friday afternoon, you may be disappointed as it may not be possible to get extra tee times.
  • Fourballs will be selected by Gary.  However, if you request to play with friends we will try wherever possible to comply with your request.
  • We must be notified of any cancellations 3 days prior to the golf day. Failure to notify the committee by emailing  or calling one of us within this time will result in the member being liable for the full green fee for that game.
  • Guests are welcome, providing there are tee times available, however they will pay more for their green fees, members will always have priority when booking tee times, providing their names are on the list by the Friday. Unknown guests MUST pay their green fee at the Red Dragon when they put their names down.
  • There is a separate prize for guests.  Although guests are able to enter the nearest the pin in two on a par four and nearest the pin in one on a par three competition.
  • New members will be required to enter three cards or have a valid up to date WWH before they receive a society handicap.  During this time, they will not be eligible to take part in the weekly competition.  They are however able to enter the nearest the pin in two on a par four and nearest the pin in one on a par three competition.
  • Club shirts MUST be worn on all society golf day 


  • Whilst we are only playing a friendly game the rules of golf must be adhered to. This will make it fair for everyone. Failure to adhere to the rules can result in your disqualification.
  • All matches shall be played to the rules as approved by The Royal and Ancient Golf Club of St Andrews, however Torreblanca Golf Society rules are applicable on the day.
  • Golf Course rules will apply at the course where the match is played.
  • The Golf Society season now runs from January to December.
  • The yearly membership consists of the purchase of a good quality society shirt.  This is payable from the 1st January every year. We feel that a society shirt is important in identifying that we are part of a well organised and professional golf society
  • Members will receive the benefit of reduced green fees.
  • Failure to pay your membership excludes you from the competition, order of merit points and reduced green fees.
  • Competitions take place every Thursday.
  • The competition prizes are for 1st, 2nd, 3rd, in the case of a tie the winner will be decided on countback on the back nine.  There are also prizes for nearest the pin in two on a par four and nearest the pin in one on a par three.
  • Your score card must be completed by one of you playing partner’s, with both the players and scorers score clear marked and the card signed by both.
  •  A player will be able to win as many prizes in the weekly competition that he/she is eligible for on that day.
  • If you are not at the prize giving to collect your prize, your prize will be given to another play in a draw.


  • The rules of the society are not open to interpretation and all decisions of the committee are final.
  • All Torreblanca Golf Days shall be full handicap and stableford format unless otherwise stated.
  • We allow pick and place on the fairways. The ball must be placed within 6 inches of the balls original spot, no nearer the hole.
  • We do not allow “Gimmies” or” Mulligans”. All putts must go in the hole to count.
  • When a ball comes to rest on a cart path you are entitled to free relief, no nearer the hole, from either side of the path. Please note local rules apply as to what is a cart path.
  • The search time for a lost ball is three minutes. To avoid slow play and unnecessary delays to the following teams this rule must be strictly adhered to.
  • You can remove touching leaves, twigs, etc. and other loose items in bunkers or penalty areas (water hazard). Providing the ball does not move.
  • If your ball is unplayable in the bunker you can now drop the ball directly behind the bunker. This however will incur a two shot penalty.
  • You may, without penalty, repair spike marks on the green before you putt, even if it is in the line of your putt.
  • It is your responsibility to keep up with the group in front and not just to stay in front of the group behind. If you lose a hole through slow play you MUST invite the group behind to play through.
  • To speed up play you must park your buggy beyond the green.
  • Play ready golf at all times.
  • Your score card must be filled in by one of your playing partners, your completed score card must be signed by the marker and player. Failure to do so will mean your score will not be included in any competition on the day.


  • Maximum handicaps.  Men’s 28.  Women 36.
  • For handicap adjustments see table below or ask our handicap secretary.
  •  From the 1st January 2023 our handicap system will now have four bands; the changes will be calculated as shown below.
Handicap RangePoints Cut Top 3Cut Per Point Over 36
0 to 101st 0.5 – 2nd 0.3 – 3rd 0.20.1
11 to 181st 0.6 – 2nd 0.4 – 3rd 0.30.2
19 to 281st 0.7 – 2nd 0.5 – 3rd 0.40.4
29 to 361st 0.8 – 2nd 0.7 – 3rd 0.60.5
  • There will be no changes in the handicap for anyone who scores 35 or 36 points
  • Any player scoring less than 35 points will receive 0.1 of a shot back


  • Order of merit points will be awarded to the members with the top ten scores in each Stableford game. We will only award points if at least 14 members are playing.
  • They are: 1st 25 – 2nd 18 – 3rd 15 – 4th 12 – 5th 10 – 6th 8 – 7th 6 –  8th 4 – 9th 2  – 10th 1


In future there will be no new competitions or format changes to any current competition unless it is agreed by a consensus of the membership.


  • Rather than counting the total number of strokes taken, it involves scoring points based on the number of strokes taken at each hole. The objective in Stableford, therefore, is to have the highest score   Extra shots/strokes are added to holes based on the Stroke Index for each hole and the players handicap. For example, a player with a golf handicap of 28 would get 2 extra shots on the 10 hardest holes defined by the Stroke index and one shot for each of the remaining 8.


  • There are two categories.  Gross and Nett.
  • Gross: The golfer who has posted the lowest round wins.
  • Nett: The golfer who has posted the lowest round net of his handicap wins. To calculate a nett score, you simply deduct your handicap number from your gross (real) score.
  • The maxim score per hole is nine shots. (for example you can pick up after nine shots and score is counted as nine)Texas Scramble.
  • Once all players have had their drive you then decide which ball is in the best position for the next shot.
  • Everybody will then hit their ball from this position.
  • If the shot is taken from the rough the remaining 3 players must drop their ball within one club length and not place it to take their shot.
  • If a ball is selected on the fairway. Subsequent balls must be place within 6 inches of the ball, no nearer the hole.
  • This format will continue until the ball is on the green.
  • On the green, select the best ball, place a marker adjacent to it and all four players putt from the same spot.
  • Once the putt is holed that becomes the score for that hole.  No other putts are required. (Do not tap in a tiddler until everyone has putted.
  • This format to continue throughout the game.
  • In a fourball team each player MUST take 4 drives.
  • There are then 2 free drives.
  • The handicap rules are.  You take the total of the 4 handicaps, divide by 10, this is the number of shots you deduct at the end.  The winning team is the one with the lowest score.


  • We will have our own versions of the 4 Golf Majors.  With a chance to win silverware.
  • PGA, The Open,  US Open,  The Masters
  • Passed Members Day.  Where we play to celebrate the lives of member who have sadly passed away.
  • The Torreblanca Ryder Cup.   This is our Major event of the year.
  • Together with our partners we spend a fun filled 3 nights away in a hotel competing for this coveted trophy
  • Knock Out
  • Pairs Knock Out


There will be two main social events during the year.  However, many others will be organised.

  • Summer Dinner Dance – This will be held during June/July. The venue will be able to accommodate us plus live music/singer for dancing
  • Winter Dinner Dance and Prize Giving – This will be held early in December. The venue will be able to accommodate us plus live music/singer for dancing. The prizes for all the competitions held throughout the year will be presented here.