2024 Torreblanca Society Ryder Cup
This years Ryder Cup was held on the 4th & 5th September with the first day held at the magnificent Guadlahorce golf club where we played 9 holes of pairs better ball and 9 holes of 4 somes.
We were again captained by Dennis Regan for the North and Ray Critcher for the South.
After last years heavy defeat on the first day for the South it was a lot closer this year with only 1 point in it with the score at 9.5 to 8.5.
Afterwards the captains read out the singles matches to be played the next day at Rio Real.
Day 2 arrived and the South were in good spirits after a stirring performance by them on day 1, with the winning line being at 18.5 points after the first few matches it was tied at 12.5 points each, however the next 6 games all went in favour of the North and they retained the trophy, there was a fightback near the end by the South and the final score ended up at 18.5 to 16.5.
After a quick turnaround it was up to Restaurant El Golf near mijas golf for the nights celebrations. A good night was had by all with a lovely meal and we were entertained by the superb Mama Cath and the Soul Sisters who in turn were helped out by our 2 Captains at the start.
The presentation of the trophy was made to the North Captain and his winning side.
As the 2 Captains had done there 2 years of captaincy it was then announced the 2 new Captains for the next 2 years and these were Bill Perkins for the North and Martin Fink for the South, good luck to you both.
Thanks to all that played this year and all that came to the evenings celebrations, especially those that travel over to play in the competition.
A huge thanks also needs to go to both John Yuill & Gary Sparrow, the both put countless hours into the preparation of this and every years Ryder Cup. Without them we couldn’t hold the event!


2023 Ryder Cup Report

Last week we played our annual North v South Ryder Cup with the South defending there crown after last year’s 2nd day comeback.

The first day was played at the magnificent Guadlahorce which we had not played for a few years and was in great condition especially the greens.

As usual with the 1st day this was pairs with the 1st 9 holes played as 4 ball better ball and the 2nd 9 holes played as Foursomes.

There were some close games especially in the Foursomes with the last game going down to the last hole and with everyone stopping after there games for a drink and tapas they had quite an audience watching them on the 18th green.

When the scores had been counted the North had a 12-6 lead after the first day.

After some great tapas supplied by Guadlahorce the captains then announced the 2nd days singles matches with some interesting match ups on the cards.

The 2nd days singles were played at Mijas Los Lagos and all the talk before over morning coffee was of another South comeback, alas when the scores came in it not too happen this year with the North winning the singles 13-5 for a final score of 25-11

The night time do was back up at mijas but at El Golf restaurant which is at the end of the 5th hole on Los Lagos, some players had even been there during the day , well there golf ball had ended up in there.

With over 50 people attending the night do, it was a great night and we were entertained by singer Ben James who had a great variety of songs including his version of the opera song Nesum Dorma which was magnificent and deserved his standing ovation.

The captains then made a short speech, well fairly short then handed out the winners and runners up medals.

It was a great 2 days and thanks go to all the players, some who had travelled over especially for this event, and some that had never played in this before, hopefully see you all next year where no doubt the South will want revenge.


After 2 great days golfing, Wednesday night we held our presentation and celebration at La Nina Bonita for the presentation of the 2022 Ryder Cup.

​A worthy win for the South, well done to all the Southern players.

We had a great turn out with 50 people in attendance it was a great night with plenty of tales of woe of the 2 days golfing, as the drink flowed the tales got harder to belive.

After the meal we had Mama Cath and the Soul Sisters to entertain us who put on a great performance.

Many thanks to John Yuill for organising the evening and more importantly we look forward to the North getting the trophy back next year.


This time of the year the Torreblanca Golf Society normally invade a hotel down the coast for a few days away and our version of the Ryder Cup, North v South. This year with uncertainty of travel due to Covid restrictions we had to make the decision to cancel the trip for the second year running.
We instead decided to run the competition locally, we choose two course that are always heavily featured in calendar. Mijas Golf and Santana Golf (the place we call home).
The two days were hurriedly arranged by John and Lynn Yuill, they both managed not only to arrange two days of great golf with drinks and tapas, but a great evening to celebrate.
Once the teams had been agreed the two captains Simon Waby (North) & Colin Bryan (South), had the task of pairing players and the order of both days.
Day One was played at Mijas Las Largos, front nine was 4 ball better ball, back nine was Foursomes with two points for each pairing it was important that each captain started the ball rolling by picking up their own points for their teams, sadly for the South Colin didn’t manage that!

 I would like to say the day was a tight affair, but with the south only bringing in 1 point from the first 6 parings it wasn’t looking good For the South, they did rally in the last four pairings winning 5 ½ points from the final 8 points!

The results for day one finished North 13 ½  South 6 1/2 , the south were going in to day two 7 points down, with only 6 points needed by North to  retain the trophy going into day two The South team needed some sort of miracle!

Unfortunately, we lost two players to injury so Friday would be played with just 19 pairs.
Mijas golf put on some very nice Tapa, followed by a few beers at the Red Dragon to discuss the day and debate who was going to stuff who on Friday.

Day Two Singles played at Santana Golf Club, the course was as good as ever apart from the greens had ben Hollow Tined and where quite sandy and a little slower than normal, this didn’t distract from the golf to be played.

Friday saw the battle of the captains, with the North Captain beating the South Captain 3/2 in Singles, Colin sadly didn’t manage to bring a point home for his team!

They’re where a couple of other interesting Pairings Jamie Watkins Taking on Andy Hassall, as we know young Jamie is doing the unspeakable to Andy’s daughter! Andy being the much more experienced golfer and winner of the order of merit you would expect a much closer game, but it wasn’t to be Andy got beaten 6/5. Unlucky Andy!
The other pair of interest was the husband and wife paring of John and Lynn Yuill, this battle of to dominate has been going on for many a year, but once again John ended up badly beaten by his wife! Sorry John she has the trousers on again!

Friday was a much closer affair than Thursday with wins being swooped between North and South for most the groupings!

The final results for Friday was still a win for with the North taking 11 points and the South taking 8 points.

The final score for the two days was a resounding win for the North with 24 ½ points to a south total of 14 ½ points.

Well, done the NORTH!

Santana put on a great set of tapas for us all some great fun was had by all (well the North had fun!), the trophy was presented by a very graceful Colin Bryan and was quietly excepted by Simon!

Friday evening saw more celebrations as not only had John and Lynn organised two days of golf and tapas at short notice they had also arranged for a dinner for over 40 people.
The evening was held at La Nina Bonita, and a great night was had by all, plenty of drinking eating and we even had Elvis to entertain us.
Well, done to John and Lynn another great job by you both!
One notable missing person from this year’s events was our leader Robyn, he is still battle illness! We all wish him well and he is in all our thoughts!