July 2023 Reports

Los Arqueros 27th July 2023

This week’s game was played at Los Arqueros golf club and was kindly sponsored by Richard Hookham, this was a new course for quite a few of the players and as we had been told it was a very very tough test.

This was shown in the scores with nobody scoring over 30pts this week but our winner carried on his good form by posting another win.

With numbers low as usual for this time of year all the groups were ready and eager to tee off but we were still waiting for 2 players to turn up, minutes later phones started ringing and it was Wallace and Gromit aka Andy and Larry who had manged to get themselves lost .

When the presentation had been done back at the Red Dragon there was then a surprise early birthday presentation to our very own Dennis Regan who has a large, sorry milestone birthday coming up on Saturday .

Our sponsor had arranged for a cake for him which you can see in the pictures was brilliantly decorated and also he was presented with a very large bottle of his favourite red wine which probably won’t last long seen as his family is over this weekend.

Next week we are playing at El Higueral with a first tee time at 10.00

Results from Los Arqueros

1st, Larry Byrne, 29pts, playing off 17.6, now off 17.0

2nd, Ian Lumb, 28pts, playing off 5.5, now 5.2

3rd, Colin Bryan, 26pts, playing off 22.1, now 21.7

Nearest the pin in One, hole 2, Larry Byrne

Nearest the pin in Two, hole 14, Ian Lumb

Nearest the pin in One, hole 16, Andy Hassall

Santana Golf 20th July 2023

Thursday we played our last major of the year , The Open , at Santana golf course and was sponsored by Larry Byrne.

After the baking hot temperatures of the previous day which was in the mid 40’s, it was a relief that it had slightly cooled off but was still in the high 30’s.

With numbers low again and a late drop out there was no order of merit but we still played for the Open trophy.

When the cards were checked it was a tie at the top and came down to a countback on the back 9 holes.

Results from Santana

1st, Luis Bernal, 36pts, back 9 of 19 pts, playing off 6.3, now 5.8

2nd, Gary Sparrow, 36pts, back 9 of 18pts, playing off 8.7, now 8.4

3rd, Miguel Solar, 32pts, playing off 18.1, now 17.8

Nearest the pin in One, hole 16, Luis Bernal

Nearest the pin in Two, hole 6, Andy Hassall

Nearest the pin in Three, hole 10, Henrik Nyberg

Next week we are playing at Los Arqueros with the first tee time at 9.50.

Flamingos 13th July 2023

Last Thursday we played at Flamingos golf course and were kindly sponsored by Tim Hemming.

As there were only 13 of us there was no order of merit points on offer as instead of cancelling the order of merit for July and August due to lower numbers we have said there should be a minimum of 14 members playing for the order of merit to take place, however we will still be playing for handicaps each week.

After the red hot temperatures of the previous day it was thankfully a few degrees cooler but still in the high 30’s so it was a day to be well hydrated both on and off the course.

The course as usual was in magnificent condition but the real test were the greens as they were quite a bit slower than usual.

Results from Flamingos

1st, Pat O’connor, 31pts back 9 of 16pts, playing off 18.2, now 17.6

2nd, Larry Byrne, 31pts, back 9 of 15pts, playing off 17.9, now 17.5

3rd, Tim Hemming, 29pts, back 9 of 16pts, playing off 1.1, now 0.9

Nearest the pin in One, hole 4, Jonathon Furlong

Nearest the pin in Two, hole 14, Tim Hemming

Nearest the pin in One, hole 16, Gary Sparrow

Next week we are playing at Santana with the first tee time at 10.00

Mijas – Los Olivos 6th July 2023

Thursday we played at Mijas Los Olivos and was our 3rd medal comp of the year with the winners of both the gross and net comps going through to the final later in the year.
We were kindly sponsored by Pepe from Sunshine Golf and as well as the usual alcoholic prizes we were given some extra prizes as well .

We decided to put some extra Nearest the pins on and also did a hidden pairs comp.

Results from Mijas Los Olivos

Gross comp

1st, Gary Sparrow, gross 87, playing off 9.1, now 8.6

Net comp
Jonathon Furlong, Net 71, playing off 17.4, now 16.8

Nearest the pin in One, hole 3, nobody

Nearest the pin in One, hole 6, Jonathon Furlong

Nearest the pin in One, hole 16, Don Crowley

Nearest the pin in Two, hole 17, Larry Byrne

Hidden pairs winners with a net combined score of 149, Jonathon Furlong & John Yuill

Next week we are playing at the magnificent Flamingos course with the first tee time now at 11.00 and will be sponsored by Tim Hemming